Sunday, April 21, 2013

End of 3 Months/beginning of 4

Size: Finn is 3 months and three weeks now. He started in the 75th percentile for weight and height, and at his last appointment (at 3 months exactly) had adjusted down to the 46th. I was a little worried about the drop, but the doctor says it's fine. His head circumference is in the 86th percentile lol. He is growing way too fast though, no matter what percentile he's in!

Things he's doing: He rolls from front to back on occasion, and can sit on his own for brief periods of time! We started a small amount of solid food. Bananas to be exact, because he lunges for real food, and is always hungry. He wakes up at night a million and a half times to nurse, so I feed him a small amount of real food, and it keeps him satisfied. Avocados are next up. He laughs/squeals now, and grins big gummy grins at me. He's starting to get coordinated enough with his hands that he can bring stuff to his mouth.

Our favorite things:

Shea Moisture baby wash and lotion in Red bush and babassu. This stuff smells SOO good, and leaves baby clean and soft. Plus it is organic, and free of preservatives etc. I can actually understand everything on the ingredients list. I got it at Target.

Infantino baby gym. Not the Cadillac of baby gyms, but I was going for cheap since we may be moving soon and will have to limit what we take. It works however, and Finn loves it. He doesn't care how much it costs! It's handy to have while working out. He lays there and kicks away while mommy does sit-ups, push-ups, etc.

Baby bullet. I LOVE this thing! I didn't make my own baby food with my last son. I was 17 and it didn't even cross my mind. After reading about all the additives and such to standard baby food, I wish I would have. This is easy and fun to use, and I love it.

Snugli baby carrier. I thought about going with the moby wrap, or a different carrier, but I received this one as a gift. I LOVE it! I had a snugli brand with Dalton, but it required a PhD to get it on! This one is super easy and soft, and he's been able to use it from birth until now. It pulls on your shoulders after long shopping/hiking trips however :(

Lansinoh breast milk storage bags. Not super impressive, they are just milk storage bags. They are really handy though. I can pump and dump into one of those, label it, and throw it in the freezer. Nice for when baby needs a babysitter, or daddy to watch him.

Clothes: Finn is in 3-6 month clothes now. Unfortunately the one size I didn't get a ton of at my baby shower, so I will need to go shopping soon. I don't have any super cute outfits to post at the moment, but maybe after our shopping trip :) We hang out mostly in sleepers, because it has been cold here, and they are soft and snuggly. Finn has an adorable knitted hat my aunt made him, which is my favorite. It's green and soft and I get a ton of compliments on it.

What else to say? I'm not sure. I will do a post on my diaper bag essentials soon. So... Ciao!

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