Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mr. D

So this blog started as a way to document my pregnancy, which made it all about Finn, but I figured to be fair I'd write a little bit about my older son who is the other half of the center of my universe.

Age: 4 and a half

Size: To be honest I have no idea lol. He only gets checkups once a year now, and it's been a while. However he is tall and skinny. He's been in the lower percentile range since birth. He was 4lbs 8oz at birth and 16.5 inches long. He was a twin and born at 36 weeks, so he had a lot of catching up to do.

Things he can do/stages: He is in preschool, and is just learning to write his name. Cutest signature in the world :) He has a CRAZY amount of energy... ALL the time! The doctor and nurses call him bruiser lol. He loves to run on my elliptical machine, and dance. He has a crazy good memory. He is in the sassing stage. Everything I say to him he has a comeback for. It drives me crazy lol.

Favorite things: Cars. Macaroni and cheese and corndogs, horses, fishing, playing outside, reading, bug juice, his friends (he's quite the social bug), dad

Non-favorite things: bugs of all kinds and snakes

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