Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Birth Story

Night before the induction
Ok, I know. I'm an awful person. I had Finn 3 months ago, and my posts trailed off. I apologize to whoever actually read my blog. As you may know, I was computer-less for a long stretch there. So... I am picking up again at the story of Finn's birth.
Finn was born on January 4th. One and a half weeks after my due date. By the time it rolled around, I was absolutely miserable. My hips felt like they were being ripped open, and my back hurt all the time. I went in to my last doctor's appointment on the second and the doctor told me I had the choice to either try induction, or go straight in for a second C-section. I was wanting a natural un-medicated birth, so I opted for the induction. I was scheduled to come in the next morning at 7:30 am to get checked in and start the Pitocin.

I got checked in and hooked up to the machines, but the doctor was busy with another emergency, so I didn't get the Pitocin until 10 am. I had very easy labor until about 3:30pm when the doctor came in to check me and decided to pop my water. In all that time, I had only gone from 2 to 4 centimeters dilated, and from 80% effaced to 100%. After she popped my water, the labor got really intense really fast. I suddenly understood what people meant when they kept telling me "you'll know when you are actually in labor". That shit hurt! I labored for an hour or two longer without pain meds, but finally gave in because it was too much. I got the epidural, and after that life was nice. Things were moving much faster now, and at 11:30 pm they came in to check me. I was 10 cm dilated, so they went to get the doctor, and let me "labor down" a bit longer. They finally came in and called the nurse who was supposed to clean up the baby when he came out. It was 11:58 when everything was ready to go, and they told me to push. My mom jokingly told me I had 2 minutes to get the baby out if I wanted him on 1-3-13. I guess I took her seriously, because 2 pushes and he was out. He was born at exactly midnight, which put his birthday on 1-4-13. He was 8 lbs 6oz, 20.5 inches long, and absolutely beautiful! They gave him to me, and he latched on to feed immediately. I didn't have any rips or tears or anything, so the doctor congratulated me, and left for the night. Mac went home to make sure the pipes didn't freeze at our house, and my mom slept on the couch for a few hours. She left in the morning, so I was alone with my new and beautiful little Finn. He had to get glucose tests to check for diabetes since he was so big. He passed all with flying colors. Later Mac and Dalton came to see us. It was D's first time meeting his little brother. I think he was stunned that there was actually a little person in there lol. He held him and loved on him, and Mac held the baby so I could love on my big boy. They kept me one more night. It was pretty uneventful. Just me and the baby doing our thing. We went home the next afternoon. We brought the baby to meet grandma, and to pick up Dalton who was staying the night at her house. Finally we got home, and got to start getting used to our new little addition.

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